Tuesday, March 20, 2007

B71 #42: Dinner with Joseph WOO Yam Ting

Lunch with math seniors

Dinner with Math Tutor Joseph WOO Yam Ting

My first year Math tutor Joseph Yam Ting Woo kindly invited Wai Lun, me and Kwok Pun Lee for dinner on 8 Feb. 07 in New York. It's really great to be able to see Joseph again after he had left HK over 36 years ago and Kwok Pun over 20 years.

Joseph met us at the Metropolitan Museum and gave us a guided tour through his favourite part-the Chinese section and shared with us his insights in many of the exhibits.

Monday, March 12, 2007

B71 #41: South America Trip

South America Trip photos contributed by Grace Lee & William Ho:

South America Trip

Friday, March 09, 2007

B71 #40: Lunch on April 23, 2007

Date & Time:
April 23, 2007 at 12:45 pm

Very Good Restaurant
尖沙咀彌敦道90-94號 華敦大廈
Basement of Burlington90-94 Nathan Road
(TST MTR Station B1 Exit, walk northward past the HSBC building)
Tel: 2366-5660

Interested parties:
* cy lam
* edward sin
* david yau
* kevin ko
* raymong choi
* pui hing chu
* william ho
* wing kwong leung

Sunday, March 04, 2007

B71 #38: Lam Chiu Ying in Bhutan (continuation of Post #33)

Two photos taken during my first visit there in April 2006. It was a birding trip and we spent most nights camping.

The first picture shows me having a good time with my birding companions, arguing about the bird species we saw after dinner in our dining tent. The lady standing on the left is Clara's younger sister, who is also a birder.
The second picture shows me with a performer with a mask (and something else in his embrace). He is a character who performs during intervals between solemn and colourful dances in temples on special occasions.

Friday, March 02, 2007

B71 #37: OIympic Volunteer (message from William Ho)

Below is a message from William Ho

Dear Edward,

A friend of mine in Qingdao, China is calling for volunteers for the Olympic. Below is the website and the message. Can you send it out to our classmates to see if they or their friends and relatives are interested.

Best regards,

Qingdao 2007 Sailing Regatta and Qingdao Olimpic 2008 Regatta are calling for volunteers from all over the world.

Here is the online application:


PS: All the volunteers whose native language is not Chinese must be able to comunicate in Chinese.

For more information please visit:

http://sailing2008.org (Chinese)

http://www.sailing2008.org/defaulten.aspx (English)

B71 #36: Dinner on March 23, 2007

Sitting from left: Tse Tsun Him, Edward Sin, Grace Lee, David Yam, David Yau

Standing from left: Kevin Ko, Raymond Choi, So Ting Kwong, Leung Wing Kwong, Ho Fook Hong

Date & Time:
March 23, 2007 at 7:00 pm

Shing Hin Restaurant
8th Floor, Amenities Building
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Avenue
Yau Yat Chuen

Vote of thank: