Friday, February 15, 2008

B71 #66: Proposed celebration of 40th anniversary

Please refer to CY Lam's email of Feb 14, 2008.

Please refer Blog 68 for updated position.


-----Original Message-----
From: C Y Lam []
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 5:41 PM
Subject: Proposed activities to mark the 40th anniversary of our entry into HKU

Dear Classmates,

I offer the following suggestions and welcome your feedback. Classmates attending the dinner on 26 March could also have some discussion about them.

Some time in November is recommended because:

- the Olympics will make summer quite unsuitable
- weather in Hong Kong tends to be fine in November
- November apparently is a low season


(A) a half-day visit to HKU, during weekday, to see some of the departments:
Suggest doing it in a Thursday afternoon; the HKU alumni liasion office can help us organize it.

(B) a dinner together, at a place where we could hang around and chat for a while Suggest having this to follow the afternoon visit to HKU.

(C) a morning walk ending at HKU + simple lunch there Suggest doing this in the morning following (B); might be done the previous morning but not sure if it would be too tiring for most people.

(D) a seminar or workshop for some classmates to talk to HKU BSc students Suggest doing this to help current students to appreciate (a) the diversity of jobs they could get into and (b) the diversity of ways one could enjoy life; might do it Wednesday evening; will require volunteers.

(E) a short trip from Hong Kong to XXX (candidates: NW Yunnan, S Yunnan, Hainan, N Thailand, .... ) If we leave on Friday, classmates still having active working life would need to take less leave; the length and destination should best be discussed at the coming dinner. Classmates overseas may also provide ideas and suggestions.

(F) collecting donations to increase the capital fund of the BSc class of 1971 awards Once upon a time, we collected some money to establish two awards to give to the best BSc 2nd year students, one for physical stream and one for biological stream. We were probably the FIRST single class of HKU to provide such awards, so it is a special honour. At a time when we are reaping the harvest from the HKU education, perhaps it would be a good moment to donate some more money to either increase the award money or to increase the number of awards. Like last time, I could serve as the focal person, collecting money from you and conveying it to HKU in one batch, but also making sure that you would individually receive a receipt.

So much for the time being. I await your feedback, especially regarding the date. Which week in November would you prefer? Or do you prefer another month?

Chiu Ying & Man Wan

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