Thursday, April 19, 2007

B71 #46: Dinner on June 12, 2007

Dinner photo (contributed by David Yau)

Dinner Date & Time:
June 12, 2007 at 7:00 pm

Shing HinVIP Room 905, 9th Floor, Amenities Bldg (Lift 19 or 20), CityU

Participation List:
* edward sin
* yip wah chung
* david yau
* kevin ko
* dick kin wu
* chiu ying lam
* philip chow
* david yam
* chris so
* raymond choi
* fai tsun cheng
* wing kwong leung
* man wan so

If you still have hesitiation in joining, please see if the following hints would motivate you:

a) With kind arrangement by Lilian Kwan, we shall dine at Shing Hin, Room 901,
9th Floor, Amenities Bldg (Lift 19 or 20), CityU.

b) If you read Post #47, you will know that YW Chung will share with us his flying experience for the past 8 years during the dinner function.

c) If you read the following extract (quoted below) from David Yau, you may find some good reasons for joining our gathering functions


1. 原生家庭的兄弟姊妹;

2. 家中的兒女和孫姪輩的年輕人;

3. 過去的同事、同學;

4. 社區的鄰居;

5. 成長課室的學員;

6. 宗教團體的教友;

7. 來探望的社工員或志工。

建議您花個 5 分鐘,列下您目前相處中「老伴」的數目,如果至少有 20 位,表示您的銀髮生涯「非常充實」。如果至少有 10 位,表示您的銀髮生涯「相當充實」。如果只有 5 位左右,那麼一定要有危機意識,因為支持網絡越薄弱,銀髮生涯「不夠充實」,日益退縮的日子也就不遠了。

「每天早上醒來,想到大伙兒要去『玩』,就是很開心!」一位過去非常「黏」老妻的銀髮伯伯,終於聽從老妻的建議,參加「吃喝玩樂派」社團,他笑呵呵地說:「我的生活一下子多了 20 多個好朋友,幾乎都是夫妻檔,今天去爬山,明天去看畫展,後天去吃民間小吃,大家輪流安排,錢又不用花費很多,生活變得充實多了。」

原來,「老伴」是多多益善,因為每個人都有不同的人生歷練和生活智慧,當彼此擦出生命的火花時,那種笑聲、招呼聲和分享的話語,在在刺激著身心的活力哩! 記住哦!「老伴」不能只有一個!看看四周吧!誰是您要收編的「老伴」呢?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

B71 #45: Sad news about 葉錦明 IP Kam Ming

While David Yau keeps updating our memory with his photos in Posts #43 & #44, I am sorry to break the sad news that one of our U-mates, 葉錦明 IP Kam Ming, passed away in Australia in 2005.

He was in the Biology group while in HKU. I recall that I last saw him live and healthy in Hong Kong in July 2005.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sunday, April 01, 2007

B71 #43: Science Society committee members


Committee Members of your Science Society 1969:


Ex-Committee Members of your Science Society 2007:

(Picture taken on March 31, 2007)