Tuesday, August 21, 2007

B71 #57: Lilian appearing in CityU Today

Lilian, who is Dean of Student Learning at the City University of Hong Kong, appears in a full colour page of the university's regular bulletin. See her at the following link:


Or go to http://www.cityu.edu.hk/newscentre, click "CityU Today" on the left-hand side and look for "Learning through field trips".

Saturday, August 04, 2007

B71 #56: Chiu Ying & Man Wan trip to Mongolia

Chiu Ying writes:

Man Wan and myself visited Mongolia in late July. You are invited to see a photo report which I have posted in the following blog:


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

B71 #55: Proposed hiking on September 9, 2007 (Cancelled)

Message from Robert Lam:

This activity has been cancelled , to be postponed until further notice.

It was a very enjoyable hiking on Sunday (July 29, 2007), and the three of us
decided to have an encore in September. I am not sure how to post on to
the blog so perhaps you can help me out.

The proposed route for the
next hiking event is Shek O Country Park 龍 脊

特 色 : 此 路 乃 港 島 徑 第 八
段 部 份 , 初 段 平 坦 小 徑 , 中 途 轉 上 打 爛 埕 頂 山 龍 脊 , 沿 山 脊 而 行 , 兩 旁 風 景 秀 麗 , 下 望 大 浪
灣 、 石 澳 、 大 潭 港 及 一 望 無 際 大 海 , 清 風 送 爽 , 令 人 心 懭 神 怡 。

全 程 時 間 :
漫 步 約 三 小 時
前 往 方 法 : 筲 箕 灣 地 鐵 站 乘 搭 9 號 巴 士 至 大 潭 峽 懲 教 所 下 車 - 石 澳 郊 野 公園
入 口 - 龍 脊 - 下 山 - 石 澳 道

或許你會想知道: 1. TIME, Lonely Planet, UK
Guidance都把它列為香港主要景點。 2. TIME 2004 更選了這條路線為亞洲"Best Urban

You can visit the following website of HK Traveller
to see photos and map:


proposed date and time are ----9-9-9-9---- :
Date:9/9/2007 Sunday
Time: 9
Place of assembly: No. 9 bus terminus at Shaukeiwan

We should
arrive at the entrance of the country park at about 9:15am, walk the route
(about 3 hours, slow pace, walk and photo), reach Shek O Road around
12:30pm, then we can have lunch either at Shek O (BBQ, Thai food, seafood, etc.)
or at Shaukeiwan, depending on what the group prefers.

swimwear if anyone would fancy a dip in the ocean at Shek O beach.

Robert Lam & spouse
Raymond Choi Ho Pang
William Wu Dick Kin