Sunday, March 01, 2009

B71 #86: Linkage to BSc 67 graduates

Reply from Chee Cheong CHOI

Dear Mr Sin

Thank you for your msg. Pleased to know that you are a long-time friend of Dominic Lee Tat-on, who is one of my best friends.

I am delighted to render my assistance requested. It is a role which any science alumnus would be pleased to take up. The 1967 cohort has been keeping in touch in recent years by email although we have not been able to track down all former classmates. I shall keep them posted.

I shall also get in touch with someone in the 1965, 1966 and 1968 cohorts. I am sure they will come up with a representative to set up the network if they have not already done so. I shall revert to you asap.

BTW, I intend to attend the gathering schedule for 20 March. I look forward to seeing you and other folks.

Best wishes.

Choi Chee-cheong

2009/2/28 Edward Sin

Dear Mr. Choi,

I know Dominic Lee Tak-On for more than 30 years as we both worked in the insurance field.

The HKU Science Faculty will be celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2009. It would like to take this opportunity to re-unite with all alumni.

I am a 1971 graduate, and am assigned the responsibility to contact senior alumni graduated before 1971. Your name is given to me by Dominic Lee, as you have actively served as class representative of 1967 graduates for a number of years.

The Science Faculty has a website for the 2009 celebration, at:

To facilitate liaison work, I have also created a supplementary website (with permission from the Science Faculty), at:

You are most welcome to call me at 9379-3240 so that I can provide any information you need.

Grateful to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Edward Sin Wing Sang

B71 #85: Integrate horizontally to all HKU 71 graduates

From: Shelley Lee
Date: Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: HKU 71 alumni group
To: Edward Sin

We (the HKU 71 alumni group) shall be having lunch on 13 March at 12:45pm at the Chinese restaurant, Chariot Club, 3/f, Melbourne Plaza.

Other girls will include Annie Liang Bentley, Sharon Au Evans, Tisa Ho, Louisa Li, Mitzi Leung, Pat Yeung and others.

Usually around 9 or 10.Even if you could not find others, you'll be just as welcome.



* Edward Sin
* Raymond Choi
* Kevin Ko

B71 #84: Integrate vertically to all years BSc alumni


我們是香港大學理學院七十周年校友聯繫工作小組(Alumni Liaison Subgroup)的組員,冒眛給你寫信,是因為今年是母校理學院成立70周年的誌慶, 母校將特別組織一連串慶祝活動,廣邀各屆畢業同學參加。詳情請參閱附件「香港大學理學院七十周年活動一覽表」,或瀏覽理學院七十周年網頁


為了讓各位參與聯絡和組織的同學可以互相認識和交流, 組委會將於3月20 日(星期五)下午 6 時半 至 8 時 舉行一個簡介會,地點將容後通知,希望你能撥冗參加。

如有任何疑問,請隨時與我們的組員冼永生(Edward)聯絡,聯繫電話是9379 3240,電郵。同時請你填妥以下回條, 並傳真到香港大學理學院(2858 4620)或電郵到。謝謝﹗

冼永生(1971) 潘燦國(1973) 蔡素玉(1974)
嚴日昌(1977) 李麗蘭(1982) 侯嘉敏(1983)
馬滿洲(1990) 吳鹿朋(1997) 黃榮基(2002)

致︰香港大學理學院 (傳真︰2858 4620)

本人___________________ 願意 / 不願意 成為 ________年畢業同學的總聯絡

本人 會 / 不會 參加 3月20日的聚會

電話: __________________,