Monday, January 08, 2007

B71 #24: Thoughts on Learning Disabilities

On January 7, 2007, there was a TV programme talking about students with Learning Disabilities ("LD") problem.

As age develops, sooner or later we may encounter learning disabilities problem, especially when senile dementia creeps in. So, by helping students with LD problem, we may in fact benefit "ourselves".

Would you mind contributing your time to help to teach LD students or to develop LD teaching tools. If so, let's team up for synergy effect.

The following information is extracted from website:


In the United States and Canada, the term "Learning Disabilities" is used to refer to a range of neurological conditions that affect one or more of the ways that a person takes in, stores, or uses information.

Learning disabilities ("LD") are specific, not global, impairments. For example, a person may have LD which impact on the his/her ability to understand written information, while the same information, delivered orally, presents no problem.

The term LD includes such conditions as:

a) dysgraphia (writing disorder),
b) dyslexia (reading disorder),
c) dyscalculia (mathematics disorder) and
d) developmental aphasia.

It should be noted that most definitions of LD do not include people with an IQ lower than 70 who are usually characterized as having mental retardation, mental deficiency, or cognitive impairment, and their learning difficulties are related directly to their low IQ scores.

In contrast, LD individuals have the potential to learn as much as other people of average intelligence, but something is preventing them from reaching that potential.

LD affect all areas of life to the extent that the affected mode is used in that area. They are most often noticed in school settings, where certain learning modes are employed more than others, causing the weaknesses caused by the LD to stand out.

During the school years, LD are suggested by unexpectedly low academic achievement or achievement that is sustainable only by extremely high levels of effort and support.

Frequently LD co-exist with other conditions, including attentional, behavioural and emotional disorders, sensory impairments or other medical conditions.

LD are a life-long condition, and are not "curable". But learning can be facilitated by tailored teaching and multi-modal compensatory tools such as:

a) special seating assignments

b) alternative or modified assignments

c) modified testing procedures

d) electronic spellers and dictionaries

e) word processors

f) talking calculators

g) audio books

h) Text-to-Speech (TTS) Software

i) note-takers readers

j) proof-reader

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