Friday, December 14, 2007
B71 #63: BSc class album (by David Yau)
Be informed that 2 photo folders have just been added to my BSc class album, contents self-explanatory:
You may want to make broadcast to all our classmates.
Many thanks.
David @Hong Kong
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
B71 #62: All-in-one spreadsheet EditGrid (contributed by Ferdinand Ho)
all-in-one - Online Spreadsheets - EditGrid
Sunday, October 28, 2007
B71 #61: Dinner on Nov.4, 2007
Back (from left):
Yau Man Tak, David
Lam Chiu Ying
Leung Wing Hong, Henry
Wu Dick Kin, William
Sin Wing Sang, Edward
Couple Gilbert Wong
Couple Stella & David Yam
Couple Josephine & Ho Yue Tim
Peter Rebello (husband of Eunice Wong)
Front (from left)
Lilian Kwan
Fu Fu (wife of David Yau)
So Man Wan
Michelle (wife of Henry Lwung)
Nancy (wife of Edward Sin)
Eunice Wong
Couple Andus & Lam Hung Biu, Robert
Leung Wing Kwong, Willy
Carrie Yau (not in picture)
//////// Message from David Yau dated Nov. 6, 2007 ////////////
Dear eSin,
Find those pics taken at the Nov 4 dinner at:
In the future, I will upload class photos to individual folders hosted at:
Please make the broadcast + thanks.
David Yau @Hong Kong
//////////// Message from So Man Wan dated Oct. 27, 2007 ///////////
Dear All,
Eunice will return to HK shortly next week (2/11) and stay until 6/11. A dinner gathering is arranged and details are as follows:
Date : 4-11-2007 (Sunday)
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Shing Hin Restaurant, 城軒
Room 902 & 903 Amenities Building,
City University, Yau Yat Chuen
So Man Wan
The following have signed up, will more (biological group) be interested?
Eunice Wong x 2
David Yam x 2
Gilbert Wong x 2
Ho Yue Tim x 2
So Man Wan x 2
Edward Sin x 2
Lilian Kwan
Carrie Willis
Robert Lam x 2
Wu Dick Kin
Leung Wing Hong, Henry x 2
Leung Wing Kwong
David Yau x 2
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
B71 #60: Proposed Hiking on 4 November, Dragon's Back
The following is Edward's secondary school circular:
spb66 #36: Hiking on Nov. 4 2007
Message from Ip Ka Lam:
The spb66 hiking group resumes its activity on Sunday, Nov 4.
The first hiking route is the Dragon's Back, Shek O.
One can choose to join in at any of the following assembly points :-
# 1. Assemble at 12:45 pm at Shaukeiwan No 9 Bus station.
# 2. First half-hike (starts at 1:30 pm walk from To Tei Wan to Mount Collinson).
# 3. Second half-hike (starts at 3:30 pm walk from Mount Collinson to Big Wave Bay).
# 4. Dinner at Shek O (starts at 6:30 pm).
The route is suitable for everybody. Spouse and children are welcome.Those who do not like to do any hiking may consider joining at #4. There is no excuse for not joining.
Ip Ka Lam
Robert Lam x2
Edward Sin
William Wu Dick Kin
Sunday, October 07, 2007
B71 #59: Dinner gathering on October 12, 2007
It is now proposed to organize a dinner gathering on October 12, 2007.
Family members are welcome to join.
So far, we have 15 participants (counting double for some classmates):
* Robert Lam x 2
* Clara Fung
* Daniel Ho
* Edward Sin x 2
* Wu Dick Kin
* David Yau
* Lam Chiu Ying x 2
* Leung Wing Kwong
* Lilian Vrijmoed
* Choi Ho Pang
* Philip Chow
* Christopher So
Hope you can join.
For the venue, it will be held at City University's Restaurant (Shing Hin). For details, please refer the following email from Lilian's secretary.
Please be advised a table for 10 has been reserved on 12 October at 7 pm in Room 901, 9th Floor, City Top, Amenities Building (Lift 19 or 20). A map showing the location of the City Top is attached in the email for your reference.
Thanks and regards,
Secretary to Prof. Vrijmoed
Tel: 2788 9433
Fax: 2788 9922
Saturday, September 08, 2007
B71 #58: Chiu Ying in Ming Pao
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
B71 #57: Lilian appearing in CityU Today
Or go to, click "CityU Today" on the left-hand side and look for "Learning through field trips".
Saturday, August 04, 2007
B71 #56: Chiu Ying & Man Wan trip to Mongolia
Man Wan and myself visited Mongolia in late July. You are invited to see a photo report which I have posted in the following blog:
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
B71 #55: Proposed hiking on September 9, 2007 (Cancelled)
This activity has been cancelled , to be postponed until further notice.
It was a very enjoyable hiking on Sunday (July 29, 2007), and the three of us
decided to have an encore in September. I am not sure how to post on to
the blog so perhaps you can help me out.
The proposed route for the
next hiking event is Shek O Country Park 龍 脊
特 色 : 此 路 乃 港 島 徑 第 八
段 部 份 , 初 段 平 坦 小 徑 , 中 途 轉 上 打 爛 埕 頂 山 龍 脊 , 沿 山 脊 而 行 , 兩 旁 風 景 秀 麗 , 下 望 大 浪
灣 、 石 澳 、 大 潭 港 及 一 望 無 際 大 海 , 清 風 送 爽 , 令 人 心 懭 神 怡 。
全 程 時 間 :
漫 步 約 三 小 時
前 往 方 法 : 筲 箕 灣 地 鐵 站 乘 搭 9 號 巴 士 至 大 潭 峽 懲 教 所 下 車 - 石 澳 郊 野 公園
入 口 - 龍 脊 - 下 山 - 石 澳 道
或許你會想知道: 1. TIME, Lonely Planet, UK
Guidance都把它列為香港主要景點。 2. TIME 2004 更選了這條路線為亞洲"Best Urban
You can visit the following website of HK Traveller
to see photos and map:
proposed date and time are ----9-9-9-9---- :
Date:9/9/2007 Sunday
Time: 9
Place of assembly: No. 9 bus terminus at Shaukeiwan
We should
arrive at the entrance of the country park at about 9:15am, walk the route
(about 3 hours, slow pace, walk and photo), reach Shek O Road around
12:30pm, then we can have lunch either at Shek O (BBQ, Thai food, seafood, etc.)
or at Shaukeiwan, depending on what the group prefers.
swimwear if anyone would fancy a dip in the ocean at Shek O beach.
Robert Lam & spouse
Raymond Choi Ho Pang
William Wu Dick Kin
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
B71 #54: Chiu Ying cooking his own meals (reproduced from Post #48)
I spent three weeks in Geneva in May attending the once-in-4-years Congress of the World Meteorological Organization, as the "Permanent Representative" of Hong Kong, China. We hold a seat in this organization, separate from China mainland.
It was a long time away from home and I thought that I could not possibly eat in restaurants everyday. So I decided to cook myself. I was a boy scout many years ago. It was like re-living my scout days.
To show what I could do to please my own appetite, here come a couple of photographs showing my productions for breakfast and dinner. I am quite pleased with the output. How about you?
Breakfast could be truly complicated
Dinner looked relatively simpler - I like the combination of
colours myself
B71 #53: Hiking on July 29, 2007

Here is a hiking route proposed by Choi Ho Pang for July 29, 2007.
Please let me know if you are interested.
Hiking Route:
From 榕樹澳(Yung Shue O) to 海下(Hoi Ha).
It’s about 3.5 to 4 hours of walk, partly along seashore and partly into the hills.
As this is in the Sai Kung area, the scenery and vegetations are beautiful.
We start in the morning assembling at the Shatin train station, take the 299 bus to Yung Shue O (30 minutes) then start walking. From Hoi Ha, we take the bus back to Sai kung, lunch there and disperse.
Time & Place of Assembly:
8:00 am at Shatin Train Station Bus 299 Terminus
* Choi Ho Pang
* Wu Dick Kin
* Robert Lam + spouse
Monday, July 02, 2007
B71 #52: More classmate honoured - Justice of Peace
Dr WILLIS YAU Sheung Mui, Carrie (as published in the Gazette notice) is now a Justice of Peace. Congratulations!
If you want to read the formal notice, go to the same link given in the last message, but click for the first notice on JPs.
If you want to read more about her and perhaps see her latest offical photo, go to:
Sunday, July 01, 2007
B71 #51: Classmate and professor honoured in Hong Kong
To see the formal notice, go to the following link and look for the gazette no. 29 dated 1 July 2007:
Friday, June 22, 2007
B71 #50:益壽一到十 (contributed by David Yau)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
B71 #49: Lunch on July 12, 2007
For lunch,
the arrangement is as follows:
July 12, 2007 at 12:45pm
Man Ho Chinese Restaurant
JW Marriott Hotel
Level 3 of Pacific Place
(Telephone number is 2841-3853).
* mun ling lo
* edward sin
* dick kin wu
* philip chow
* david yau
* chris so
* wing kwong leung
* david yam
* raymond choi
Dear Edward,
I would be very happy to meet with you all and talk about my experience. Since I work and live at Tai Po most of the time, it is difficult for me to join you for lunch, unless you are willing to come and have lunch at Tai Po some time.
However, on 12 July, I would be having a meeting in Wan Chai from 2.30 - 5 p.m., so lunch is possible. Dinner is also possible since I am already in town.
Failing that, August would be a good time for me.
Mun Ling
Professor LO Mun Ling Director, Centre for Learning-study And School
Partnership The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
B71 #47: Aerial photos (from ywchung)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
B71 #46: Dinner on June 12, 2007

Dinner photo (contributed by David Yau)
Participation List:
* edward sin
* yip wah chung
* david yau
* kevin ko
* dick kin wu
* chiu ying lam
* philip chow
* david yam
* chris so
* raymond choi
* fai tsun cheng
* wing kwong leung
* man wan so
If you still have hesitiation in joining, please see if the following hints would motivate you:
a) With kind arrangement by Lilian Kwan, we shall dine at Shing Hin, Room 901,
9th Floor, Amenities Bldg (Lift 19 or 20), CityU.
b) If you read Post #47, you will know that YW Chung will share with us his flying experience for the past 8 years during the dinner function.c) If you read the following extract (quoted below) from David Yau, you may find some good reasons for joining our gathering functions
1. 原生家庭的兄弟姊妹;
2. 家中的兒女和孫姪輩的年輕人;
3. 過去的同事、同學;
4. 社區的鄰居;
5. 成長課室的學員;
6. 宗教團體的教友;
7. 來探望的社工員或志工。
建議您花個 5 分鐘,列下您目前相處中「老伴」的數目,如果至少有 20 位,表示您的銀髮生涯「非常充實」。如果至少有 10 位,表示您的銀髮生涯「相當充實」。如果只有 5 位左右,那麼一定要有危機意識,因為支持網絡越薄弱,銀髮生涯「不夠充實」,日益退縮的日子也就不遠了。
「每天早上醒來,想到大伙兒要去『玩』,就是很開心!」一位過去非常「黏」老妻的銀髮伯伯,終於聽從老妻的建議,參加「吃喝玩樂派」社團,他笑呵呵地說:「我的生活一下子多了 20 多個好朋友,幾乎都是夫妻檔,今天去爬山,明天去看畫展,後天去吃民間小吃,大家輪流安排,錢又不用花費很多,生活變得充實多了。」
原來,「老伴」是多多益善,因為每個人都有不同的人生歷練和生活智慧,當彼此擦出生命的火花時,那種笑聲、招呼聲和分享的話語,在在刺激著身心的活力哩! 記住哦!「老伴」不能只有一個!看看四周吧!誰是您要收編的「老伴」呢?
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
B71 #45: Sad news about 葉錦明 IP Kam Ming
He was in the Biology group while in HKU. I recall that I last saw him live and healthy in Hong Kong in July 2005.
Monday, April 02, 2007
B71 #44: Photos contributed by David Yau
Sunday, April 01, 2007
B71 #43: Science Society committee members
Committee Members of your Science Society 1969:
Ex-Committee Members of your Science Society 2007:
(Picture taken on March 31, 2007)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
B71 #42: Dinner with Joseph WOO Yam Ting

Lunch with math seniors

Dinner with Math Tutor Joseph WOO Yam Ting
My first year Math tutor Joseph Yam Ting Woo kindly invited Wai Lun, me and Kwok Pun Lee for dinner on 8 Feb. 07 in New York. It's really great to be able to see Joseph again after he had left HK over 36 years ago and Kwok Pun over 20 years.
Joseph met us at the Metropolitan Museum and gave us a guided tour through his favourite part-the Chinese section and shared with us his insights in many of the exhibits.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
B71 #40: Lunch on April 23, 2007
April 23, 2007 at 12:45 pm
Very Good Restaurant
尖沙咀彌敦道90-94號 華敦大廈
Basement of Burlington90-94 Nathan Road
(TST MTR Station B1 Exit, walk northward past the HSBC building)
Tel: 2366-5660
Interested parties:
* cy lam
* edward sin
* david yau
* kevin ko
* raymong choi
* pui hing chu
* william ho
* wing kwong leung
Sunday, March 04, 2007
B71 #38: Lam Chiu Ying in Bhutan (continuation of Post #33)
Friday, March 02, 2007
B71 #37: OIympic Volunteer (message from William Ho)
Dear Edward,
A friend of mine in Qingdao, China is calling for volunteers for the Olympic. Below is the website and the message. Can you send it out to our classmates to see if they or their friends and relatives are interested.
Best regards,
WilliamQingdao 2007 Sailing Regatta and Qingdao Olimpic 2008 Regatta are calling for volunteers from all over the world.
Here is the online application:
PS: All the volunteers whose native language is not Chinese must be able to comunicate in Chinese.
For more information please visit: (Chinese) (English)
B71 #36: Dinner on March 23, 2007

Sitting from left: Tse Tsun Him, Edward Sin, Grace Lee, David Yam, David Yau
Standing from left: Kevin Ko, Raymond Choi, So Ting Kwong, Leung Wing Kwong, Ho Fook Hong
Date & Time:
March 23, 2007 at 7:00 pm
Shing Hin Restaurant
8th Floor, Amenities Building
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Avenue
Yau Yat Chuen
Thursday, February 22, 2007
B71 #34: Bhutan (message from David Yau)
Subject: Bhutan - a Happy Country
Just came across the attached PowerPoint presentation on Bhutan which could better prepare ourselves when Director Chiu Ying should soon be briefing us on his Bhutan trips! Please click here to view the presentation.
QUOTEI went to Bhutan in April and December 2006, the first time for bird-watching and the second time with the family and classmate Clara and husband.
See my blog for a few photos from my April trip.
Chiu Ying
Monday, February 19, 2007
B71 #33: Bhutan (continuation of Post #29)
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
B71 #29 Chiu Ying's blog
See my blog at
for a few photos from my April trip.
Chiu Ying
Sunday, February 04, 2007
B71 #28: Mastering computer technique
At this age of technological advancement, we can't do as much without a computer.
Elaborating a bit, we can improve Health and Wealth with our computer (more than what the famous Stephen Hawking is doing):
a) Physical health - fit to go around on computer platform
b) Mental health - fit to think and reason on computer platform
c) Spiritual health - fit to do something meaningful on computer platform
d) Physical wealth - possess all necessary computer hardware and software and keep upgrading
e) Mental wealth - possess all necessary knowledge to operate computer and keep upgrading
f) Spiritual wealth - possess all necessary linkage to share with friends and keep upgrading
So, for our meeting on March 30, let us find a place where we can share knowledge on the know-how of computer, at least to make sure that everyone is comfortable with the Blog.
For your information, the Blog management system has been updated. It has new feature to enable the Blog to restrict access to invited parties only. For security reasons, I shall instal the feature soon.
For those who have enrolled before, please sign on to the Blog system again to show your presence. Lily Yeung, Edward Sin and Henry Leung (and not the 21 other U-mates) are among the first batch to appear on the Contribution list because Lily and Edward are using Gmail accounts favoured by the Blog management system, and Henry Leung enrolled recently under the new Blog management system.
We shall further discuss this during our dinner gathering. To help to find an ideal place to organize our dinner function, we shall be grateful if you will kindly make suggestion.
Monday, January 22, 2007
B71 #27: Random news
My wife and I will be visiting Hong Kong and Indonesia between Feb 11 and 19, mainly to celebrate Chinese New Year with our relatives in these two places. This is something we haven't done for 30+ years.
On a pure self-promotion note, I just published a textbook entitled "Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering" (Publisher: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group). I worked on this for more than three years. My attempt is as much to educate as it is to entertain. My ties with Hong Kong are apparent from the first page, which shows a Boeing 747 landing at the old Kai Tak Airport.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
B71 #26: Method to sieve for Prime
Having spent some time to study Prime numbers in the past few days, I find that we can easily identify Prime numbers within 120 if we change our numbering system to base 6.
To work with base 6, we arrange number in 6 columns and labelled them sequentially as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20 etc.
all numbers that ends with digit 0 are divisible by 6 (Rule #1);
all numbers with last digit divisible by 2 are divisible by 2 (Rule #2);
all numbers with last digit divisible by 3 are divisible by 3 (Rule #3);
all numbers whose Q-sum (i.e. sum of all digits) divisible by 5 are divisible by 5 (Rule #4);
all numbers whose A-sum (i.e. sum of odd digits minus even digits) divisible by 11 on base 6 (i.e. 7 on base 10) are divisible by 7 (Rule #5)
After having eliminated the above, the remaining numbers are Prime numbers on base 6. When converted back to base 10, they form the complete list of Prime numbers within 120.
1=decimal 1
2=decimal 2
3=decimal 3
5=decimal 5
11=1x6+1=decimal 7
15=1x6+5=decimal 11
21=2x6+1=decimal 13
25=2x6+5=decimal 17
31=3x6+1=decimal 19
35=3x6+5=decimal 23
45=4x6+5=decimal 29
51=5x6+1=decimal 31
101=1x36+0x6+1=decimal 37
Nonsense, afterall.
B71 #25: Signing in
Monday, January 08, 2007
B71 #24: Thoughts on Learning Disabilities
As age develops, sooner or later we may encounter learning disabilities problem, especially when senile dementia creeps in. So, by helping students with LD problem, we may in fact benefit "ourselves".
Would you mind contributing your time to help to teach LD students or to develop LD teaching tools. If so, let's team up for synergy effect.
The following information is extracted from website:
In the United States and Canada, the term "Learning Disabilities" is used to refer to a range of neurological conditions that affect one or more of the ways that a person takes in, stores, or uses information.
Learning disabilities ("LD") are specific, not global, impairments. For example, a person may have LD which impact on the his/her ability to understand written information, while the same information, delivered orally, presents no problem.
The term LD includes such conditions as:
It should be noted that most definitions of LD do not include people with an IQ lower than 70 who are usually characterized as having mental retardation, mental deficiency, or cognitive impairment, and their learning difficulties are related directly to their low IQ scores.a) dysgraphia (writing disorder),
b) dyslexia (reading disorder),
c) dyscalculia (mathematics disorder) and
d) developmental aphasia.
In contrast, LD individuals have the potential to learn as much as other people of average intelligence, but something is preventing them from reaching that potential.
LD affect all areas of life to the extent that the affected mode is used in that area. They are most often noticed in school settings, where certain learning modes are employed more than others, causing the weaknesses caused by the LD to stand out.
During the school years, LD are suggested by unexpectedly low academic achievement or achievement that is sustainable only by extremely high levels of effort and support.
Frequently LD co-exist with other conditions, including attentional, behavioural and emotional disorders, sensory impairments or other medical conditions.
LD are a life-long condition, and are not "curable". But learning can be facilitated by tailored teaching and multi-modal compensatory tools such as:
a) special seating assignments
b) alternative or modified assignments
c) modified testing procedures
d) electronic spellers and dictionaries
e) word processors
f) talking calculators
g) audio books
h) Text-to-Speech (TTS) Software
i) note-takers readers
j) proof-reader
Friday, January 05, 2007
B71 #23: Metacognition
At our age, our primary concerns are Health and Wealth. Elaborating a bit, our primary concerns are:
a) Physical health - fit to go around
b) Mental health - fit to think and reason
c) Spiritual health - fit to do something meaningful
d) Physical wealth - have money
e) Mental wealth - have knowledge
f) Spiritual wealth - have friends
I read the term "metacognition" from today's newspaper, and extracted related information from internet. The news relate to the introduction of "3-3-4" education system in HK which means 3+3 years of secondary school and 4 years university.
Among other requirements, all students (irrespective of arts or science major) are required to study language and mathematics subjects up to Form 6 before graduating from secondary school. Some education experts suggest to introduce "metacognition" along with the change to facilitate students to cope with multi-discipline learning.
Being science graduates, I think we are well-trained under item (b) and (e) to apply "metacognition" and to continue our life-long learning.
As suggested in the newspaper, we have great potential to pursue items (c) and (f) to help others (especially youngsters) to expand knowledge.
I hope our "teacher" U-mates would join our discussion.
後設認知(Metacognition),又名"Knowledge of knowledge", "Learning of learning", 是一種個人控制及引導心智歷程的現像。利用這種現像,我們可以用之於學習策略,讓學生瞭解到自己的思想模式之同時,透過控制自己的思想模式,從而達至果效的學習方法。簡單一點來講,就是對自己的認知過程(包括:記憶、perception、計算, 聯想等各項)的思考。
Metacognitive strategies are thought to be valuable classroom tools by contemporary teachers, since most successful learners engage these naturally to some extent. Therefore they are explicitly taught and utilised across curricula to enhance learner performances.後設認知這個概念對教學非常重要。唯有一個人瞭解到自己如何獲取一件新的知識,他才有能力把這個新的知識傳遞給其他人。
METACOGNITION consists of three basic elements:
Developing a plan of action
Maintaining/monitoring the plan
Evaluating the plan
Before - When you are developing the plan of action, ask yourself:
What in my prior knowledge will help me with this particular task?
In what direction do I want my thinking to take me?
What should I do first?
Why am I reading this selection?
How much time do I have to complete the task?During - When you are maintaining/monitoring the plan of action, ask yourself:
How am I doing?
Am I on the right track?
How should I proceed?
What information is important to remember?
Should I move in a different direction?
Should I adjust the pace depending on the difficulty?
What do I need to do if I do not understand?After - When you are evaluating the plan of action ask yourself:
How well did I do?
Did my particular course of thinking produce more or less than I had expected?
What could I have done differently?
How might I apply this line of thinking to other problems?
Do I need to go back through the task to fill in any "blanks" in my understanding?
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
B71 #22: YOU contributor, we welcome your UGC
Please read Wikipedia about YOU & UGC
User Generated content ("UGC") is featured in TIME magazine's 2006 Person of the Year, in which the person of the year is "you", meaning all of the people who contribute to user-generated media such as YouTube and Wikipedia.
User-generated content is a similar phenomena to open source which encourages user-generated software. A key example of this is LINUX which is a user-generated operating system started in 1991.
TIME magazine's "person of the year" issue from Dec. 25, 2006 notes the comparison as follows:
"Car companies are running open design contests. Reuters is carrying blog postings alongside its regular news feed. Microsoft is working overtime to fend off user-created Linux. We're looking at an explosion of productivity and innovation, and it's just getting started, as millions of minds that would otherwise have drowned in obscurity get backhauled into the global intellectual economy."
B71 #21: Hiking & Dinner on Jan.6, 2007
Particulars for Hiking ("H"):
Jan. 6, 2007 at 3:00 pm at:
Kotewall Road #13 Bus Terminal.
Particulars for Dinner ("D"):
Jan. 6, 2007 at 7:00 pm at:
The Best Club
2/F Elizabeth House,
#250-254 Gloucester Road,
Causeway Bay, HK
Tel. 2537-3388
(public parking available in Elizabeth House)
A private room with TV, sofa and ensuite toilet will be reserved if there are more than 8 participants.
Participants List:
* Edward Sin + spouse (HD)
* Robert Lam + spouse (HD)
* Wu Dick Kin (HD)
* Leung Wing Kwong (D)
* Christopher So (H)
Happy to report that activity (Hiking & Dinner) was started at 3:00 pm and finished at 9:00 pm with most gratifying result.